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14.1 Powers of Meetings
14.1.1 The members in a properly convened meeting of the Association are the highest decision-making structure of the Association as set out in this Constitution. The members in a meeting may review, approve or amend any decision taken by the Committee but no such resolution of the meeting shall nullify any earlier resolution taken by the Committee in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.
14.1.2 The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held before the 31st day of March in each year.
14.1.3 The Chairperson may at any time and shall, if so requested by not less than twenty-five percent of Members of the Association in writing, convene an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting subject to at least seven (7) days’ notice being given to members of the Association. The quorum for such meeting shall be at least twenty-five (25) fully paid members present and voting
14.1.4 If the Committee fails to give such notice within seven days of the request of one-quarter of the members, such members shall be entitled themselves through one member selected by them by majority vote to give notice of and to convene the meeting.
14.1.5 The Committee may call an Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Association. At least (7) seven day’s written notice must be given to all members stating the time, place and business of the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting.
14.1.6 Notice convening an Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be sent to each Member of the Association not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Meeting.
14.1.7 The quorum at an Annual General Meeting shall be at least 25 fully paid members present and voting.
14.1.8 If at any member meeting a quorum is not achieved, the meeting shall, be adjourned to the same place and time seven days later and the Members present at such subsequent meeting shall constitute a quorum.
14.2 At any Member Meeting
14.2.1 The Chairperson shall preside or, if he/she is absent the Vice Chairperson or if he/she is absent any Member of the Committee present elected by the members by majority vote shall preside;
14.2.2 The person presiding may, in the event of any equality of votes, exercise a casting vote in addition to his deliberative vote;
14.2.3 At any member meeting in the absence of the Secretary of the Committee, the Committee members may elect amongst themselves by majority vote a person to act as a Secretary for the purpose of recording the minutes of the meeting.
14.3 At an Annual General Meeting the following business shall be conducted:-
14.3.1 Reading and adoption of minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting;
14.3.2 Presentation of Audited Income Statement and Balance Sheet of the
Association in the past financial year;
14.3.3 Report of the Chairperson;
14.3.4 Report of the Committees;
14.3.5 Election of Office Bearers;
14.3.6 The Appointment of Auditors
14.3.7 Any Other Business
Associated Members