Policy/Law/Regulations Year of Development Description
Zimbabwe Renewable Energy Policy Passed the validation stage

It establishes a regulatory framework for the promotion of renewable energy and investment.

Renewable Energy Masterplan 2016

Includes both off grid and on grid components and outlines how Zimbabwe’s rural areas are to be provided with modern energy services over a 20- year timeframe.

National Energy Policy (NEP) 2012
Provides a framework for the exploitation, distribution and utilisation of the country’s energy resources and outlines the principal strategies for implementing policy.
It strongly advocates for the promotion of renewable energy to address the supply gap. The policy also provides for the formation of the Rural Energy Agency, the establishment of REFIT, National Grid Code and IPPs.
Energy Regulatory Authority Act (Chapter 13:23, No. 3 of 2011) 2011

Establishes ZERA and defines the regulatory framework for the procurement, production, transportation, transmission, distribution, importation and exportation of energy derived from any energy source.

Statutory Instrument (SI 147) 2010

It exempts solar equipment, except batteries from paying excise duty.

Rural Electrification Fund Act (Chapter 13:20, No. 3 of 2002) 2002

Establishes the Rural Electrification Fund (REF) to facilitate the rapid and equitable electrification of rural areas using grid and off-grid technologies.

Electricity Licensing Guidelines and Requirements 2013

Provide simple guidelines on the licence application process including the required documentation. It applies to systems above 100kW.

Zimbabwe Grid Code 2013

It establishes the basic rules, procedures, requirements and standards that govern the operation, maintenance, and development of the electricity distribution systems in Zimbabwe to ensure the safe, reliable, and efficient operation of the electricity distribution system.

Environmental Management Act (Chapter 20:27, No. 13 of 2002) 2002

It provides for the sustainable management of natural resources and protection of the environment in accordance with global commitments. Energy is a prescribed activity under schedule 1 of the act. Thus it is mandatory for Environment Impact Assessment of all energy projects to be undertaken.

Water Act of 1998 (Chapter 20:24, No. 31of 1998) 1998
It regulates the development and utilisation of water resources within Zimbabwe such as for inland dams with potential for hydropower generation in addition to their primary purpose of irrigation and urban water supply.