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Professional Member
Professional Members shall include Lawyers; Accountants; Engineers, Scientists, Economists, Sociologists, Environmentalists, Consultants, Academics and other professions. A Professional Member of the Association shall be entitled to exercise one vote and shall be eligible for election as an Office Bearer of the Association. Professional membership sub-categories shall be as approved by the Committee.
Listing on the REAZ website as an Associate Member
Listing in REAZ business directory
Notification of sponsored training and skills development opportunities
Invitation to submit articles for REAZ website and e-newsletters (maximum 1 annually)
Access to trade and other industry statistics accumulated by REAZ
Opportunity to participate in various working groups and committees
Opportunity to participate in dedicated networks and fostering industrial involvement through targeted instruments and partnerships at national level
Opportunity to address knowledge, skills and competences needs and gaps
Opportunity to participate in research and development (R&D)
Opportunity to participate in vocational skills development and technology acquisition networks
Annual Subscription:
Associated Members